More to know about Hot Tubs

Believe it or not, there are specific health and safety regulations you’ll need to follow once your Hot Tub is installed: the Health and Safety Executive’s guidance HSG282 outlines the requirements. Failure to do so and if something goes wrong then you’re putting your guests’ health at risk as well as risking a hefty fine.

This section is an abridged version of the rules but we strongly suggest that you read here for a more detailed description of the rules and here for the official HSE guidance

If there’s only ever going to be a household’s worth of people in your holiday let’s hot tub then you’re fine to use a domestic portable spa, as long as it meets the technical requirements laid down by HSG282, such as:

  • The capacity of the hot tub (its number of seats) is at least equal to or more than the berth capacity of the accommodation.

  • The hot tub should ideally have a water capacity equal to 250 litres per bather.

  • The hot tub should be capable of circulating and filtering the total water volume within 15 minutes.

  • It should be equipped with an in-line sanitiser tablet dispenser.

  • It should ideally be equipped with a secondary UV or Ozone system to oxidise the water as it passes through the circulation system.

  • The hot tub should not be equipped with an air blower unless there is a provision for automatically purging the air system every 12 hours.

  • Waterfalls are not recommended, especially if they can be turned off, as this can create plumbing system ‘deadlegs’ where water can become stagnant and contaminated.

  • Fast drainage facilities are also desirable since the hot tub will need to be fully drained either weekly or in between each guest stay (whichever is shortest).

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